Due to the lingering schedule effects of Covid-19, the activities and times listed below are not correct.  We are holding one worship service at 10 AM each Sunday, either in the Sanctuary or in the Gym. Visitors are always welcome! Please ask an usher for a visitor card so we have your contact information, or speak to the Pastor after the service.  Weather permitting, we are holding a social gathering on the front lawn or corner of the Gym after the service.

Welcome to Trinity Lutheran Church in Greenville, SC!

Welcome to Trinity Lutheran Church in Greenville, SC! Whoever you are, we’re glad you’re here. Know that our doors are opened wide to your presence on Sunday morning. We offer two different worship services and other fellowship opportunities, as follows:

9:00 AM

Holy Communion

9:50 AM

Coffee and Conversation

10:10 AM

Sunday School

11:15 AM

Holy Communion

If you’re a first-time visitor to Trinity Lutheran, you may have a few questions. If you don’t see the answer you are searching for below, please make sure to check out our other Frequently Asked Questions, or contact our church office at (864) 242-5702.


What is communion? Who can participate?

Communion, the meal of forgiveness and grace, is celebrated each Sunday morning at both the 9:00 and 11:15 services.  All, without exception, are welcome at the table of God’s love and grace. Anyone preferring not to receive the wine may accept only the bread, completely trusting that the full benefit of communion — Christ’s grace and forgiveness — may be found in either the bread or the wine. Gluten free wafers are available.

What should I wear to worship?

At Trinity, you will find that worshippers dress in a variety of ways. Dresses, pants, jeans, t-shirts, sports jackets, and shorts are all perfectly appropriate. Your presence is important to us. What you wear is not!

Are children welcome in worship?

Yes! Absolutely! Worship bags containing a variety of activities are available for pre-school and elementary-aged children. The bags are designed to help our youngest worshippers engage more fully in the worship experience.

Is there a nursery?

Parents may choose to bring their children to worship or leave them in the care of trusted adults in the nursery. A nursery is provided during worship at both the 9:00 and 11:15 services as well as during Sunday School at 10:10 am. Beth Oswald, Trinity’s Nursery Attendant, along with a number of trained and trusted adults and youth provide tender, loving care to infants and toddlers.  All nursery volunteers have been trained, screened, and authorized through Trinity’s Child Protection Policy Training.

Please visit Trinity’s Welcome Center.

A Welcome Center staffed by Trinity volunteers and staff is located in the Pence Building.  When you worship with us, we encourage you to ask a greeter, usher, or friendly-looking worshipper to help you find it. We would love to have the opportunity to extend hospitality to you and to share a welcome gift with you.

Where do I park?

Trinity has three parking lots and you are welcome to park anywhere you like.  Additional parking is available on Sunday mornings on Main Street and in the city lot located across the street from the three iconic red doors.

Is Trinity the right community for me?

The best way to answer this question is to come and worship with us. We are continually striving to become a community that deeply values diversity, inclusion, and hospitality. When we say that all people are welcomed, honored, affirmed, and valued, we really mean it!

Our Family

elcaTrinity Lutheran Church is one of nearly 10,000 congregations that make up the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA), one of the largest Christian denominations in the United States. The ELCA has about 4 million members across the United States, Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands.

The faith of the ELCA comes through the good news of Jesus Christ and gives us the freedom and the courage to wonder, discover and boldly participate in what God is up to in the world. As stated in the ELCA mission, “we believe that we are freed in Christ to serve and love our neighbor. With our hands, we do God’s work of restoring and reconciling communities in Jesus’ name throughout the world.”

South Carolina Synod

Likewise, we are also part of the South Carolina Synod of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. As part of the South Carolina Synod, we seek to respond to God’s love by loving God and serving the people God has created. There are ministries for and with all ages, not only in the state of South Carolina but also in many parts of the globe.