If you are searching for a community of God’s people rooted in Christ’s love and grace, Trinity just might be the place for you.

If you are hungry to connect and belong in a community of loving, diverse people, Trinity just might be the place for you.

If you are longing to extend Christ’s love into our neighborhood, community, and world through outreach and service opportunities, Trinity just might be the place for you.

If you are passionate about social justice issues, Trinity just might be the place for you. If you are longing to connect more deeply with God’s loving intention for the whole world, Trinity just might be the place for you.

Explore the different ways to get involved at Trinity Lutheran Church to find an opportunity that speaks to your passions.


Worship is the heart of life together at Trinity.  Members, guests, friends, and neighbors gather each Sunday morning at 9:00 and 11:15 to experience God’s love in Christ through meaningful, relevant, and enthusiastic traditional worship that brings hope, healing, peace, and comfort to our broken world and our wounded souls.


Reaching out in love to care for our neighbors next door and around the world who are struggling is a passion for the Trinity family. We need you to help us share God’s love though our many outreach efforts. We need you to help us alleviate human suffering and bring joy, healing, and meaning to all of God’s children.


Trinity’s education programs are designed to increase biblical literacy and to enable learners to know and understand what the Bible says as well as what the Bible does not say. Programs, small groups, and classes are provided for all ages.


Fellowship opportunities at Trinity strive to bring our community, our neighbors, as well as friends and guests together for mutually fulfilling and meaningful events, discussions, and meals that help us feel connected, valued, and loved in a world that often leaves us feeling isolated and alone.