Celebrate & Connect
As all ELCA congregations, Trinity Lutheran is a center for evangelical mission, where people of faith celebrate, learn and connect with one another and others around the world through service and weekly worship. As a church family, we believe we learn and grow in faith through spending time with each other. There are countless fellowship opportunities for our members of all ages and interests, as well as pastoral care and counseling services as needed.
Join Us
Lutheran Church Youth
Trinity LCY seeks to provide a balance of worship, service, fellowship, outreach, and learning in order to connect youth with the church, God, each other, and their faith. The vision for this ministry is to help youth develop and deepen their faith and to develop faith practices that will sustain them as they grow, develop, and mature. Most meetings begin with dinner followed by devotions, faith-building activities, outreach projects, discussion, Bible study, or off-site activities. Overnight retreats and mission trips take place throughout the year. The group normally meets from 5:00 pm to 7:00 pm on Sunday evenings. A small group of dedicated adults who have been trained and authorized through Trinity’s Child Protection Policy serve as advisors for the group.
Athletic Teams
Basketball teams for children and youth are sponsored by Trinity in the fall and winter. Registration takes place in September. Trinity also sponsors a men’s basketball team.
Freed Hearts: LGBTQIA+ and Allies Group
This group for the LGBTQIA+ community and allies meets on the second Thursday of each month at 6:30 pm in the Activities Building to enjoy table fellowship at a covered dish meal, programs, discussion, mutual support and encouragement.
Adults and youth are invited to gather at 4:00 pm on the fourth Sunday of each month in the Parlor (enter the building through the red canopy doors located underneath the Sanctuary) to write notes and cards for members who are sick, grieving, or celebrating a joy.
Congregational Beach Retreat
Each summer during a week in June participants gather at the Lutheran Coastal Retreat Center on the Isle of Palms, SC for a week of fun, relaxation, fellowship, and devotions. Registration takes place in early March.
Women’s Bible Study and Fellowship Group
This group for women meets at 6:00 pm in the Assembly Room (enter the building through the red canopy door located under the Sanctuary) for a simple dinner meal, program, fellowship, and prayer. Participants are encouraged to bring a covered dish for the meal.
Manna for Mamas
This study group for mothers with children still at home meets on the first Tuesday of each month at noon in the Library (enter the building through the red canopy door located underneath the Sanctuary).
Loving Threads
Participants in this group knit and crochet prayer shawls and baby blankets for Trinity members, friends, and members of the wider community.
Book Group
This group meets on the third Thursday of even-numbered months at 6:30 pm in the Parlor (enter the building through the red canopy door located underneath the Sanctuary) to discuss a variety of books. Books to be discussed each month can be found in The Tidings, Trinity’s monthly newsletter.
G.I.F.T. Groups
Throughout the program year, a number of small G.I.F.T. (Growing in Faith Together) groups meet in members’ homes or at the church for a meal and to engage in a program on a specific topic of faith.
Freed Hearts: LGBTQIA+ and Allies Group
This group for the LGBTQIA+ community and allies meets on the second Thursday of each month at 6:30 pm in the Activities Building to enjoy table fellowship at a covered dish meal, programs, discussion, mutual support and encouragement.
Prayer Group
This group meets for thirty minutes each Wednesday at 11:00 am in the Library (enter the building via the red canopy door underneath the Sanctuary) to share prayer concerns and celebrations and pray for individuals and ministries in the life of Trinity.
Theology Roundtable
Adults gather on the first and fourth Sunday of each month at 4:00 pm in Room 302 (enter the building through the red canopy door located underneath the Sanctuary) on the second floor of the Education Building to discuss a theological book. Specific titles can be found in The Tidings, Trinity’s monthly newsletter.
Adults and youth are invited to gather at 4:00 pm on the fourth Sunday of each month in the Parlor (enter the building through the red canopy doors located underneath the Sanctuary) to write notes and cards for members who are sick, grieving, or celebrating a joy.
Congregational Beach Retreat
Each summer during a week in June participants gather at the Lutheran Coastal Retreat Center on the Isle of Palms, SC for a week of fun, relaxation, fellowship, and devotions. Registration takes place in early March.
This group is for post high school young adults through around age 30 who wish to be a part of a group exploring the joys, challenges, celebrations, and struggles of becoming an adult. The group meets for discussion, devotions, social gatherings, and meals. Specific information about times, dates, and activities can be found in The Tidings, Trinity’s monthly newsletter.
Out to Lunch Bunch
This group enjoys Sunday lunch together on the third or fourth Sunday of each month after the 11:15 worship service. Restaurant locations can be found in The Tidings, Trinity’s monthly newsletter.
Game Day
Participants gather on the fourth Wednesday of each month at noon in the Parlor (enter the building through the red canopy door located under the Sanctuary) to play Bridge and other games. Those attending are invited to bring their lunch. Dessert and beverages are provided.